Onlineindividual and couples counselling/emotionally focused couples therapy & supervision
Since 2014 I have been providing online individual and couples therapy to clients in Europe, the US, Australia and Asia. Comfort of your own home and no travel time Clients participating in online therapy have the advantage of being in the place where they are the most comfortable - on their own sofa, or wherever else in their home they may choose. Moreover, there is no travel time, which makes it less stressful. Clients also say that participating from their own familiar environment gives them a greater sense of emotional security. Numerous clients have expressed a preference for online therapy for these reasons.
It allows therapy to happen where the relationship happens, namely in your own home environment. This leads to a more seamless transition from the lessons learned in therapy sessions to application.
Couples with babies and or young children Clients participating in online therapy avoid the burden of obtaining child care for infants or young children during their session (and the commute there and back). Instead they can monitor their (young) children during the session.
Results In my practice, online therapy provides the same positive results as in-person therapy. Provided I can hear clients well and see and read their body language well, there is little difference in results between the two.
Getting used to it Clients who are not accustomed to meeting people online sometimes need a session or two to get used to online therapy. Online couples counseling sessions can also be combined with one or more couple therapy intensives. For more information about the intensives please visit the page