Problems within a relationship, such as bad communication, commitment issues, repetitive rows, differing expectations about being together and intimacy, either one’s own doubts or one’s partner’s as to the continuation of a relationship;
Problems at work, such as relational problems with colleagues, communication problems, not being able to stand up for oneself, stress, lack of motivation, etc.
I have a variety of approaches to addressing the specific problems each client has. I usually discuss these with the client and he or she chooses the approach which fits him or her best.
Problem oriented If you are suffering from a specific issue, for instance anger, anxiety, depression, emotional pain, burnout or trauma, we will thoroughly explore when and how your complaint gets triggered off, as well as thoughts, feelings and behaviour that are related to it. Once we have a clear understanding of these aspects we will discuss needed steps to relieve your problem. If you agree, I will support your taking them. Some homework might also be helpful. Your state probably had an influence on your relationship and/or your job, and we will take this into account if necessary. At your discretion, your partner will also be invited to come to one or more sessions.
Person oriented One of the main goals of therapy is to increase your self-awareness. It is an essential first step to bring about desired changes. The aim of the sessions is to establish a process that will give you more insight into yourself and what motivates you. Dialogue with someone in a safe environment asking the right questions, giving you feedback and making you reflect upon yourself can create more self-awareness, making it easier to identify your strengths. You may find answers to questions and underlying desires surface. Emotional pitfalls, repetitive behaviour, patterns and vicious circles when interacting with others will also be explored a so you will learn how to better handle these, understand yourself more and make better choices. If necessary, exercises will be given to favour the learning process.
Supportive These sessions can help processing disruptive events like an extramarital affair, divorce, death of a beloved person or losing your job. Such happenings can trigger feelings of sadness, anger, and anxiety at the same time. You can feel confused and overwhelmed, not being able to fully function in your daily life. Talking about these feelings and experiences can help, putting it all in place and allowing you to be present and feel like your "old self" again.
One consultation Of course it is also possible to have just one session or consultation in which you need feedback from a independent professional or need more clarity on certain issues for other reasons.
If you would like receive more information, ask a question or make an appointment, please give me a call at +34 646051435, send me an email: [email protected] or use the contact button.